Daily Duh

Democrats’ Alternate Reality Strikes Again

Daily Duh: January 17, 2022

Sor­ry, guys. Bet­ter luck next time.

Democ­rats are play­ing to their strength again: Cook­ing up yet anoth­er des­per­ate idi­ot­ic scheme, like Wile E. Coy­ote try­ing to catch Road­run­ner. All they need to do is cre­ate an alter­nate real­i­ty in which their scheme will work. And as usu­al, the MMMs are try­ing to help them with a good old bait-and-switch:

  1. They know a major­i­ty of read­ers skim the head­line and maybe part of first para­graph. So the head­line and first para­graph describe this week’s alter­nate real­i­ty, and then
  2. The rest of the arti­cle explains why it ain’t gonna hap­pen.


Democrats see good chance of [Attorney General Merrick] Garland prosecuting Trump

First sen­tence:

Sen­ate Democ­rats believe there is a good chance the Depart­ment of Jus­tice will pros­e­cute for­mer Pres­i­dent Trump

Yay! Trump’s going to jail. Not so fast! Here’s what’s real­ly hap­pen­ing:

Demo­c­ra­t­ic law­mak­ers say they don’t have any inside infor­ma­tion on what might hap­pen.

But they also say the fact that Gar­land has pro­vid­ed lit­tle indi­ca­tion about whether the Depart­ment of Jus­tice has its pros­e­cu­to­r­i­al sights set on Trump doesn’t nec­es­sar­i­ly mean the for­mer pres­i­dent isn’t like­ly to be charged.

[Sen. Tim] Kaine believes fed­er­al pros­e­cu­tors are look­ing seri­ous­ly at charges against Trump, although he doesn’t have any inside infor­ma­tion about what they may be work­ing on. “My intu­ition is that they are” look­ing care­ful­ly at whether Trump broke the law, he said.

And there you have it! Democ­rats wish they could throw Trump in prison, so they hang all their ire and hate on what they hope Gar­land might be think­ing.

And it won’t work, so next week they’ll get some ACME Rock­et-Pow­ered Roller Skates and try again.

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