Democrats are playing to their strength again: Cooking up yet another desperate idiotic scheme, like Wile E. Coyote trying to catch Roadrunner. All they need to do is create an alternate reality in which their scheme will work. And as usual, the MMMs are trying to help them with a good old bait-and-switch:
- They know a majority of readers skim the headline and maybe part of first paragraph. So the headline and first paragraph describe this week’s alternate reality, and then
- The rest of the article explains why it ain’t gonna happen.
Democrats see good chance of [Attorney General Merrick] Garland prosecuting Trump
First sentence:
Senate Democrats believe there is a good chance the Department of Justice will prosecute former President Trump
Yay! Trump’s going to jail. Not so fast! Here’s what’s really happening:
Democratic lawmakers say they don’t have any inside information on what might happen.
But they also say the fact that Garland has provided little indication about whether the Department of Justice has its prosecutorial sights set on Trump doesn’t necessarily mean the former president isn’t likely to be charged.
[Sen. Tim] Kaine believes federal prosecutors are looking seriously at charges against Trump, although he doesn’t have any inside information about what they may be working on. “My intuition is that they are” looking carefully at whether Trump broke the law, he said.
And there you have it! Democrats wish they could throw Trump in prison, so they hang all their ire and hate on what they hope Garland might be thinking.
And it won’t work, so next week they’ll get some ACME Rocket-Powered Roller Skates and try again.