BBC News Apologizes Profusely to Viola Davis and Beyoncé for… Actually, We Don’t Know Why


One of these women is Vio­la Davis. The oth­er is Bey­on­cé. (We’re not get­ting in the line of fire on this!)

An asleep-at-the-wheel drone bee at the BBC mixed up a pho­to of Vio­la Davis with a pho­to of a queen bee. Not just any queen bee: It was Bey­on­cé, THE Queen B.

And Queen B Bey­on­cé’s fans are Very. Unhap­py. with the Drone B. Vio­la Davis’s fans are also Very. Unhap­py. about the insult. BBC has issued a grov­el­ing apol­o­gy for the mis­take that’s well worth read­ing (see below), but that’s not good enough.

I don’t under­stand the out­rage. The mis­la­beled pho­to appeared dur­ing the BBC’s live cov­er­age of the Gram­mys for a just a few min­utes before some­one noticed and the error was cor­rect­ed.

I don’t under­stand why it’s an insult either: Vio­la Davis became an EGOT win­ner and Bey­on­cé became the most-award­ed artist of all time. They weren’t mis­gen­dered or mis­raced (is that a word?) or fat-shamed or mansplained at or accused of wear­ing MAGA hats or any of the oth­er egre­gious unfor­giv­able trans­gres­sions out there vic­tim­iz­ing inno­cent peo­ple.

But as usu­al, left­ists are out­raged on some­one else’s behalf, regard­less of whether the “vic­tims” them­selves are insult­ed.

Here’s the BBC’s apol­o­gy. It sounds vague­ly famil­iar:

“We apol­o­gize. We’re real­ly, real­ly sor­ry, We apol­o­gize unre­served­ly. We take it back. We offer a com­plete and utter retrac­tion. The impu­ta­tion was total­ly with­out basis in fact, and was in no way fair com­ment, and was moti­vat­ed pure­ly by mal­ice, and we deeply regret any dis­tress that our com­ments may have caused you, or your fam­i­ly, and we here­by under­take not to repeat any such slan­der at any time in the future.”

Con­grat­u­la­tions, BBC–you’ve won the Duh­mass of the Day award. There’s a lot of oth­er dum­b­ass­es out there; good job fight­ing your way to top of the heap? Or should that be the bot­tom of the heap?

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