2nd AmendmentSweet, Sweet SchadenfreudeVideos

Wimpy Reporter’s Shoulder vs. Marcus Adams’ Family Jewels

In 2016, Gersh Kuntz­man, a New York Dai­ly News reporter, vis­it­ed a fir­ing range to see what it’s like to shoot “mil­i­tary-style” weapons: viz., the AR-15, aka “a mass mur­der­er’s best friend.”

As most gun own­ers know, Kuntz­man did­n’t much like the AR-15: It was “hor­ri­fy­ing, dan­ger­ous and very very loud,” he said, and it hurt his shoul­der and gave him PTSD.

YouTu­ber Mar­cus Adams put his fam­i­ly jew­els on the line to demon­strate two sim­ple facts: It takes balls to han­dle a weapon prop­er­ly, and the only per­son who needs to be ter­ri­fied of an AR-15 is the bad guy on its busi­ness end.

Here’s Adams prov­ing it:



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