2nd AmendmentDaily Duh

In Response to the Buffalo Grocery Store Shooting, New York Outlaws Body Armor. But Not the Body Armor the Shooter Wore

Daily Duh: June 20, 2022

On May 14, the shoot­er who killed 10 peo­ple in a Buf­fa­lo gro­cery store hap­pened to be wear­ing steel-plat­ed body armor. This pro­voked New York law­mak­ers to do what Democ­rats do best: Pass a point­less law that not only does­n’t help, but also makes things worse.

In this case, New York hasti­ly passed a law mak­ing it ille­gal to sell soft body armor to civil­ians. The new rules, how­ev­er, don’t apply to body armor with steel, ceram­ic or poly­eth­yl­ene plates.

This “helped” by for­bid­ding civil­ians to wear cheap­er, less effec­tive body armor. If civil­ians want body armor they have to get the body armor that stops rifle bul­lets in addi­tion to hand­gun bul­lets.

So let’s get this straight:

  1. Democ­rats want to pre­vent peo­ple from defend­ing them­selves with firearms. Only police should be able to car­ry guns.
  2. Democ­rats also want to keep peo­ple from pro­tect­ing them­selves with body armor. Only the police should have access to body armor, even though
  3. All too often, the police refuse to either defend or pro­tect civil­ians. Up to and includ­ing not only stand­ing around out­side a school dur­ing an active shoot­er inci­dent, but also Taser­ing any­one else who tried to enter the school.


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