Daily DuhSweet, Sweet Schadenfreude

Harry and Meghan Forced to Live in a $14 Million Refrigerator Box

The Artist For­mer­ly Known As Prince Har­ry and Meghan Markle have had a rough time after stomp­ing out of Buck­ing­ham Palace: They were forced—forced!—to move into a $14 mil­lion estate in Cal­i­for­nia, and they’re ril­ly ril­ly wor­ried they might have to get jobs to cov­er their mort­gage.

So Anas­ta­sia Han­son, a kind-heart­ed, emp­ty-head­ed Cal­i­for­nia res­i­dent, start­ed a GoFundMe to pay for the mis­er­able hov­el Har­ry and Meghan inhab­it.

Shock­ing­ly, the GoFundMe raked up an under­whelm­ing $110.

Nice going, Cal­i­for­nia. I hope you can live with your­selves; you’ve got two celebri­ties liv­ing in a $14 mil­lion refrig­er­a­tor box and you haven’t lift­ed a fin­ger to help them.

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