Ever notice how sometimes a news story provokes the media to leap to leap to someone’s defense? Which is generally to ridicule the story that got everyone upset in the first place?
Case in point: Yesterday a Virginia school district was accused of celebrating Read Across America Day (and Dr. Seuss’s birthday) by banning certain Dr. Seuss books for “strong racist undertones,” according to officials who never read The Sneetches.
CNN, CBS, ABC and the rest of the usual gang of idiots instantly suffered violent fact-check panicgasms as they rushed to the school district’s defense.
Thanks to their brave mansplaining white knightery, we know now the facts:
The school district didn’t, you know, like, really BAN Dr. Seuss books. No, they’re just going to stop emphasizing the books. If that sounds too stupid to exist, let me Google it for you.
It’s a perfect example of doublethink: “We didn’t BAN any books; we just stopped EMPHASIZING them” is code for “We banned the books; we’re sorry you’re dumb enough to be upset.