2nd Amendment

A Look at Biden’s and Harris’s Scary Gun Control Agenda

Why do we need gun con­trol if we could just catch the bul­lets like this?

If you sup­port 2nd Amend­ment rights, you might be encour­aged to see Pres­i­dent Biden and a Demo­c­ra­t­ic Con­gress haven’t done much when it comes to gun con­trol: The House passed a tooth­less, virtue-sig­nal­ing back­ground check expan­sion requir­ing back­ground checks for pri­vate gun trans­fers, but that’s it. It has­n’t made it through the Sen­ate yet and it’s impos­si­ble to enforce.

But the gun-con­trol poli­cies Biden cam­paigned on tell a dif­fer­ent sto­ry. Biden’s gun con­trol agen­da is exten­sive and scary:

  • Rein­state the 1994 “assault rifle” and high-capac­i­ty mag­a­zines ban
  • Ban the man­u­fac­ture and sale of “assault rifles” and high-capac­i­ty mag­a­zines
  • Ban the import of assault weapons
  • Expand the Nation­al Firearms Act to include assault weapons, which will require assault weapon own­ers to reg­is­ter the rifles with ATF and pay a hefty annu­al tax/stamp fee
  • Ban online sales of ammu­ni­tion, mag­a­zines, and oth­er relat­ed pur­chas­es
  • Extend the “Charleston Loop­hole” —that is, the time allot­ted for the FBI to com­plete a back­ground check—from 3 days to 10 busi­ness days
  • Kill the Pro­tec­tion of Law­ful Com­merce in Arms Act, which pro­tects man­u­fac­tur­ers from friv­o­lous law­suits
  • Give states grants to require indi­vid­u­als to apply for and pur­chase a license before pur­chas­ing a gun
  • Move toward requir­ing “smart guns” for all firearms: Guns with bio­met­ric scan­ners or oth­er tools to lock the gun and make it inop­er­a­ble
  • Noti­fy local  law enforce­ment when some­one fails a back­ground check
  • Lim­it gun or ammu­ni­tion sales to once per month

There’s more, lots more. Cam­paign promis­es and agen­das tend to be for­got­ten once the can­di­date is in office, but if Biden and Har­ris try to ram through even a frac­tion of this stuff it will be dis­as­trous for law-abid­ing cit­i­zens and man­u­fac­tur­ers.

Read Biden’s gun-con­trol agen­da.

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