Daily Duh

Police Killed a Black Man? It’s White Privilege! Even If the Cops Are Black

As usu­al, the media is scram­bling to assign blame for a Black man’s death by police–Tyre Nichols, in this case. There’s no ambi­gu­i­ty about the cops’ and EMTs’ mis­con­duct; looks as if they’re all going to be charged. But the medi­a’s take shows just how insane their devo­tion to the nar­ra­tive about racist cops has become. Might wan­na sit down for this:

Tyre Nichols was killed by five Black police offi­cers, whose actions were due to racism.

This isn’t a cher­ryp­icked odd­ball opin­ion piece (see below). This is a Los Ange­les Times edi­to­r­i­al reveal­ing the lat­est across-the-board insan­i­ty: Black cops kill a Black man due to racism, white suprema­cy, white priv­i­lege, or all three.

We’re all the way through the look­ing glass here.

Here’s more insan­i­ty. Enjoy!

Nice job, Los Ange­les Times! You’ve won the cov­et­ed Dai­ly Duh­mass.

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