Remember “The Adventures of Ralph Mellish,” the Monty Python skit in which Ralph is walking to work and nothing happened? Behind a bush on the side of the road, there was no severed arm. No dismembered trunk of a man in his late 50s. No head in a bag. Nothing. Not a sausage!
Ralph can add “rivers of blood in the streets” to his list of things that didn’t happen:
Texas is about to become the 21st Constitutional carry state, which is quickly becoming a welcome addition for states with Shall Issue, Castle Doctrine, and Stand Your Ground laws.
MSNBC is Concerned. Very Concerned. The media, Democrats and leftists in general are all preparing their clutching pearls and fainting couches.
But they’re wasting their time, as people with common sense already know. Whenever a state passes any of these statutes, leftists predict rivers of blood in the streets.
But the US now has 21 Constitutional Carry states; 37 Shall Issue states; 25 Stand Your Ground states; and 45 Castle Doctrine states.
If the pearl-clutching leftists were right, we would all have drowned in a nationwide tsunami of blood by now. You may have noticed that the rivers of blood never appear, to Democrats’ never-ending frustration. Democrats hate it when people get to think for themselves and don’t have to rely on the government for self-defense, much less ask permission to defend themselves.
But there’s always hope: Maybe Ralph Mellish can throw Democrats a bone and see something horrible on his way home from work, something to give Democrats a sense of purpose and the chance to enact unnecessary laws: someone wearing a MAGA hat, or some kids with an unlicensed lemonade stand.