Daily DuhYou Can't Make This Up

No, Schools Don’t Have to Provide Litter Boxes for Students Who Identify as Cats

Daily Duh: January 24, 2022

Let’s talk about Poe’s Law for a minute, shall we?

Poe’s Law states that if a humor­ous or satir­i­cal state­ment can’t be dis­tin­guished from real­i­ty, peo­ple should proac­tive­ly warn read­ers or audi­ences that the fol­low­ing state­ment is not seri­ous.

Seems to me if peo­ple can’t tell if you’re jok­ing or seri­ous, maybe you should take a look at what­ev­er you’re talk­ing about.

Case in point: A Mid­land, TX, prin­ci­pal sent a let­ter to par­ents say­ing no; the school would not be pro­vid­ing lit­ter box­es for stu­dents who iden­ti­fied as fur­ries.

Ha ha! What a bunch of idiot par­ents, right?

Not so fast.

We are, after all, talk­ing about our pub­lic schools. This prin­ci­pal did­n’t have to quash the rumor because the par­ents are all stu­pid; he had to quash the rumor because pub­lic schools have com­mit­ted so much idio­cy the lit­ter box rumor could very well have been true.

Our pub­lic schools have forced stu­dents to sit on the cafe­te­ria floor for lunch to stop COVID.  They’ve sus­pend­ed a dis­tance-learn­ing stu­dent because a Nerf gun was vis­i­ble in the room behind him. They’ve accused par­ents of domes­tic ter­ror­ism if they ques­tion school poli­cies. They’ve imple­ment­ed dress codes ban­ning vis­i­ble col­lar­bones or knees.((I attend­ed a Catholic high school back in the ’70s, and even the strictest nuns would­n’t have imple­ment­ed such a stu­pid idea!))

They sus­pend­ed a stu­dent because after a cou­ple bites of the Pop-Tart she was eat­ing the Pop-Tart was shaped like a gun; and a par­ent being fined $3,000 because her son’s shoe was untied.

Just last week a pub­lic school fired a sub­sti­tute teacher because she refused to meow at a stu­dent who iden­ti­fied as a cat!

Here’s some advice, pub­lic schools: If you don’t want to be accused of doing some­thing idi­ot­ic, stop doing idi­ot­ic things.

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