Daily DuhHypocrisy, Thy Name Is DemocratOUTRAGE!

This Is (Selectively) Outrageous!

Daily Duh: January 26, 2022

Bet­ter sit down for this:

Sarah Palin ate at an upscale restau­rant in NYC two days before test­ing pos­i­tive for COVID.

I’ll wait while you blow into a paper bag and stop hyper­ven­ti­lat­ing.

Elio’s, an Ital­ian restau­rant pop­u­lar with celebri­ties and politi­cians, con­firmed with great sor­row and regret that they neglect­ed to check Pal­in’s proof of vac­ci­na­tion.

This is an egre­gious over­sight, giv­en that they reli­gious­ly check for all their oth­er patrons’ proof of vac­ci­na­tion!

What? How do I know that? Well, the media would­n’t be out­raged, and the restau­rant man­ag­er, Luca Guaitoli­ni, would­n’t be apol­o­giz­ing as if he’d grilled a teenag­er for Jef­frey Dah­mer. I’m sure the arti­cle’s authors checked on that.

Okay, I’m not see­ing it. Hang on:

Huh. I’ve read the arti­cle three times now; guess I’m just miss­ing it.

Any­way, I found this state­ment from the man­ag­er amus­ing and telling:

“We are tak­ing this iso­lat­ed inci­dent — and unfor­tu­nate over­sight —very seri­ous­ly.”

A sen­tence or two lat­er they add that Palin was there with a reg­u­lar patron of the restau­rant, who they refused to iden­ti­fy.

Iso­lat­ed inci­dent, eh? I’m gonna guess the iso­lat­ed part is that this is the first time any­one cared. Oth­er­wise we’d be hear­ing more about these oth­er iso­lat­ed and extreme­ly rare inci­dents (and notice that count­ing Palin, there are four Repub­li­cans on this list, lest you sus­pect I’m play­ing favorites):

Yeah; except for these very rare excep­tions, Pal­in’s a heart­less mon­ster who could have killed us all.

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