Daily Duh

“If You Don’t Vote for Me, You Ain’t Black!” Biden Does It Again

Daily Duh: March 9, 2022

Joe Biden appeared in a VA clin­ic yes­ter­day, sup­pos­ed­ly to talk about the impor­tance of vet­er­ans.

Some­where between “Go talk about vet­er­ans and VA fund­ing” and the podi­um, Biden lost track of things. He found him­self stand­ing at a podi­um, with 3 men he did­n’t know in front of him, and he was sup­posed to say some­thing about vet­er­ans.

Appar­ent­ly when he saw two tall black men and one tall white man on the stage with him, he assumed the two black guys were bas­ket­ball play­ers and the white guy was a bomber pilot.

“The 3 con­gress­men you have here — 2 of them look like they could — they real­ly could and did play ball. And the oth­er one looks like he could bomb you,” was his assess­ment.

The MMMs leaped to his defense, point­ing out one of the men did have pilot­ing expe­ri­ence, so that’s obvi­ous­ly what Biden meant.

Please. This is not a guy mak­ing a clum­sy ref­er­ence to some­thing he knows about one of the peo­ple on stage with him. This is a guy who has no idea what’s going on around him.

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