Daily DuhHypocrisy, Thy Name Is Democrat

Clinton, Harris to Co-Host ‘Empowering Women’ Event

I feel empow­ered already. Don’t you feel all empow­ere­dish?

You can’t make this stuff up.

This Fri­day, Bill “I did NOT have sex­u­al rela­tions with that woman” Clin­ton and Kamala “I DID have sex­u­al rela­tions with Willie Brown” Har­ris will co-host the 13th annu­al Clin­ton Foun­da­tion Glob­al Ini­tia­tive. And they’ll be dis­cussing…

(bet­ter sit down for this)

…“empow­er­ing women and girls.”

Yep. If you clicked that last link you’ll see that even NBC, hard­ly a right-wing shill, says Fri­day’s event is a tone-deaf bad joke.

In this cor­ner: Bill Clin­ton, who can’t keep The Big D in his pants!

And in this cor­ner: Kamala Har­ris, who can’t keep The Big D out of her pants.

I can’t wait to see how they’ll define “empow­er­ing” when it comes to empow­er­ing women. Is it empow­er­ing to jump-start your career by sleep­ing your way into a cou­ple cushy Cal­i­for­nia state gov­ern­ment jobs? How about keep­ing thou­sands of non-vio­lent offend­ers in prison, in defi­ance of the US Supreme Court, to cre­ate a tough-on-crime rep­u­ta­tion? Not to men­tion rid­ing your gen­der and race to the Vice Pres­i­den­cy with no regard for your qual­i­fi­ca­tions or record?

Or how about… um…

…well, I can’t think of any­thing Bill Clin­ton did that empow­ered women. Maybe Juani­ta Broad­drick, Leslie Mill­wee, Paula Jones, Kath­leen Wil­ley, or Mon­i­ca Lewin­sky can help. Ladies?


Hel­lo? (tap tap) Hel­lo? Is this thing on?



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