You can’t make this stuff up.
This Friday, Bill “I did NOT have sexual relations with that woman” Clinton and Kamala “I DID have sexual relations with Willie Brown” Harris will co-host the 13th annual Clinton Foundation Global Initiative. And they’ll be discussing…
(better sit down for this)
…“empowering women and girls.”
Yep. If you clicked that last link you’ll see that even NBC, hardly a right-wing shill, says Friday’s event is a tone-deaf bad joke.
In this corner: Bill Clinton, who can’t keep The Big D in his pants!
And in this corner: Kamala Harris, who can’t keep The Big D out of her pants.
I can’t wait to see how they’ll define “empowering” when it comes to empowering women. Is it empowering to jump-start your career by sleeping your way into a couple cushy California state government jobs? How about keeping thousands of non-violent offenders in prison, in defiance of the US Supreme Court, to create a tough-on-crime reputation? Not to mention riding your gender and race to the Vice Presidency with no regard for your qualifications or record?
Or how about… um…
…well, I can’t think of anything Bill Clinton did that empowered women. Maybe Juanita Broaddrick, Leslie Millwee, Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey, or Monica Lewinsky can help. Ladies?
Hello? (tap tap) Hello? Is this thing on?