Daily Duh

” ‘Potty training next?’: Joe Biden to hold a ‘big boy’ press conference”

In the mid­dle of an increas­ing­ly des­per­ate attempt to con­vince every­one Biden is just fine, John Kir­by was asked to com­ment on Pres­i­dent Biden’s cog­ni­tive abil­i­ties. Kir­by insist­ed that Biden is not only sharp—SHARP!—he’s also hold­ing a “big boy press con­fer­ence.”

“When we get home you can watch Tele­tub­bies as long as you want!”

WTF is a big boy press con­fer­ence? Are they try­ing to infan­tilize him the way Jill Biden did after his dis­as­trous debate? “Joe, you answered all the ques­tions!”

What is every­one involved think­ing? 

I guess I should­n’t look a gift horse in the mouth. It won’t be long before Democ­rats run out of time to replace Biden before the elec­tion. The longer Biden’s inner cir­cle keeps insist­ing he’s sharp—SHARP!—the more like­ly Biden’s going to be on the bal­lot in Novem­ber.

Put your hands together for John Kirby, today's prestigious Daily Dumbass Award winner! Daily Duh Award

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