Daily DuhWorld's Smallest Violin

VP Kamala Harris Has Been “Living out of Suitcases” for 2 Months

My turn to run down to the ice machine!

If you’re a Demo­c­rat, you can always count on the MMMs to get out­raged on your behalf, even if they have to fab­ri­cate the out­rage.

Case in point: The pri­vate res­i­dence for the VP is under ren­o­va­tion. So VP Kamala Har­ris and her hus­band, Dou­glas Emhoff, have been in stay­ing in Blair House, the pres­i­den­t’s offi­cial guest quar­ters.

This could be a mild­ly inter­est­ing human-inter­est sto­ry, but CNN’s not hap­py with a mild­ly inter­est­ing human-inter­est sto­ry. They want con­tro­ver­sy and suf­fer­ing.

Take the head­line: They’re say­ing, with straight faces, that Har­ris and Emhoff are “liv­ing out of suit­cas­es”? Like they’re stay­ing in a Motel 6; scroung­ing under the car seats for change to do laun­dry down the hall by the ice machine? Order­ing piz­za or Chi­nese for din­ner; eat­ing bagels and stale cere­al in the con­ti­nen­tal break­fast din­ing room?

I’m gonna guess Blair House has Secret Ser­vice pro­tec­tion, 24/7 kitchen staff, limo ser­vice, suites with office equip­ment and ser­vices, maybe even Wi-Fi!

CNN checked on the ren­o­va­tions and reports the house was built in 1893; the ren­o­va­tions under­way include exten­sive foun­da­tion repairs. But they could­n’t fig­ure out why ren­o­va­tions are tak­ing so long, so they real­ly have no choice but to assume racism and/or misog­y­ny are involved.

There’s also a cou­ple anony­mous quotes from White House staffers. I sus­pect they’re anony­mous not due to secu­ri­ty con­cerns, but rather because no one want­ed to go on record say­ing stu­pid things like “She is get­ting frus­trat­ed” about this non-sto­ry.

It does sound frus­trat­ing: She’s stay­ing in a lux­u­ri­ous four-sto­ry man­sion across the street from the White House with dozens of staff and secu­ri­ty per­son­nel tak­ing care of her; she does­n’t have to lift a fin­ger to get any­thing she needs.

It must be real­ly dif­fi­cult for poor, poor Kamala Har­ris.

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