See original article: Neurologist comments on Biden's health
NBC spoke with neurologist Dr. Tom Pitts about classic Parkinson’s symptoms, which include
- Anomia: Word-finding difficulties
- Masked facies: An expressionless face and slack-jawed staring
- Rigidity, which causes a shuffling gait; standing up robotically; loss of arm swing while walking; and bradykinesia, or slow movements
- End-block turning, which involves turning the head, trunk, and pelvis simultaneously, rather than the normal top-down sequence
- Hypophonia: Speaking in a monotone voice, sounding hoarse, and/or speaking too softly to be heard easily
Does any of that sound like someone you see on TV a lot? It’s amazing that some Democrats are still insisting Biden’s just fine and can win the election and put in another four years in the White House.
Join me in a heartfelt raspberry to Democrats, today’s Daily Duh Award winner!