
Biden Displays All the Hallmark Movement Disorders Associated With Parkinson’s

NBC spoke with neu­rol­o­gist Dr. Tom Pitts about clas­sic Parkin­son’s symp­toms, which include

  • Anomia: Word-find­ing dif­fi­cul­ties
  • Masked facies: An expres­sion­less face and slack-jawed star­ing
  • Rigid­i­ty, which caus­es a shuf­fling gait; stand­ing up robot­i­cal­ly; loss of arm swing while walk­ing; and bradyki­ne­sia, or slow move­ments
  • End-block turn­ing, which involves turn­ing the head, trunk, and pelvis simul­ta­ne­ous­ly, rather than the nor­mal top-down sequence
  • Hypo­pho­nia: Speak­ing in a monot­o­ne voice, sound­ing hoarse, and/or speak­ing too soft­ly to be heard eas­i­ly

Does any of that sound like some­one you see on TV a lot? It’s amaz­ing that some Democ­rats are still insist­ing Biden’s just fine and can win the elec­tion and put in anoth­er four years in the White House.

Join me in a heart­felt rasp­ber­ry to Democ­rats, today’s Dai­ly Duh Award win­ner!

Daily Duh Award

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