Daily DuhEverything Is Racist!

Facebook’s Autogenerating Pages for White Supremacists

The ever-help­ful Face­book has been busy auto­gen­er­at­ing pages for white suprema­cist groups, includ­ing the Uni­ver­sal Aryan Broth­er­hood Move­ment.

Researchers at Tech Trans­paren­cy Project found dozens of auto­gen­er­at­ed pages for white suprema­cist groups. Some were trig­gered by users list­ing a white suprema­cist group as their employ­er; Face­book stepped in and gen­er­at­ed a page for the white suprema­cist group. They also found plen­ty of white suprema­cy pages that Face­book users cre­at­ed.

TTP sub­mit­ted their find­ings to Face­book, but most of the pages are still there.

But there’s noth­ing to wor­ry about: Now that Trump’s out of office, white suprema­cists don’t exist any­more.

I’ll prove it: Mark Zucker­berg’s busy tes­ti­fy­ing to Con­gress today, and so far no one’s asked him about white suprema­cist groups. Even if some­one does, you won’t see it thanks to the MMMs, who know white suprema­cy dis­ap­peared on Inau­gu­ra­tion Day.

So don’t wor­ry: Face­book’s real­ly busy stomp­ing on con­ser­v­a­tives, which is ril­ly ril­ly impor­tant. If they don’t have time to kick out white suprema­cists, it does­n’t mat­ter, because white suprema­cists don’t exist any­more, so no one wants to look at white suprema­cist groups in the first place.

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