Daily DuhLeftist Logic

Eco-Protesters Spray Huge Clouds of Orange Toxic Chemicals Into Our Poor Atmosphere

Well, they final­ly did it: Just Stop Oil pro­test­ers not only uni­fied most West­ern nations, they also did some­thing stu­pid enough to get arrest­ed. And they won the bonus round by spew­ing huge clouds of tox­ic chem­i­cals into the envi­ron­ment. Kind of like Big Oil.

Lots of folks tac­it­ly sup­port­ed them when they threw food at famous works of art; most of the art was pro­tect­ed behind bul­let­proof glass.

But then these two guys got smart. “Hey, no one cares about this old art­work when it’s behind glass,” they rea­soned. “Let’s find some­thing that isn’t!” One of these guys is an Oxford stu­dent so you know he’s real live Braini­ac.

Oh, did I say they got smart? After that brain­storm they decid­ed to deface Stone­henge. And in doing so, they final­ly man­aged to unite peo­ple. Not to get them to demand the world com­plete­ly ditch fos­sil fuels by 2030. No, they man­aged to unite peo­ple to demand the gov­ern­ment crack down on these idiots.

Nice job, fel­las! And all you had to do was shoot your­self in your own foot. I mean, feet.

Let's hear it for <strong>Just Stop Oil,</strong> today's Daily Dumbass Award winner! Daily Duh Award

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