2nd AmendmentDaily Duh

Once Again, Officials Sleeping at the Wheel Failed to Stop a School Shooting

January 25: Daily Duh

Vir­ginia teacher Abi­gail Zwern­er and sev­er­al oth­er teach­ers and school employ­ees warned school admin­is­tra­tors mul­ti­ple times that a 6‑year-old stu­dent had a gun in his back­pack, told oth­er stu­dents he was going to shoot school employ­ees and threat­ened to shoot oth­er stu­dents if they said any­thing.

School admin­is­tra­tors dis­missed their con­cerns, say­ing it was almost the end of the school day.

Thank­ful­ly, Abi­gail Zwern­er sur­vived. Here’s hop­ing those school admins join the Uvalde police in being fired and sued.

Con­grats, school admins–here’s your Dai­ly Duh­mass award.

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