Today’s Daily Duh-Mass award is a rarity: We’ve got a winner who scored four Daily Duh-Mass awards all at the same time.
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, a Democrat, took some heat back in March for violating her own policies: Seems she issued stern warnings for students not to travel south for spring break, just before chartering a private jet to visit her father in Florida (bonus point: The jet flew to Florida illegally; but to be fair, that’s not Whitmer’s fault).
And now we present the ultra-rare Daily Duh-Mass quadfecta:
Daily Duh-Mass 1: Seems Whitmer used campaign funds to charter a private jet to attend President Biden’s inauguration. That was back in January, of course, but FOX News broke the story two days ago. So… Whitmer got roasted for chartering a private jet to Florida when she was warning Michigan folks not to travel south. Then she started getting more heat over chartering another private jet to fly to Washington.
So she decided it would be smart to watch her step for a while, right? It is to laugh.
Daily Duh-Mass 2: Today she got nailed for going to a Lansing bar, with 11 pixel-faced friends, and pushing tables together in violation of her own HHS guideline forbidding groups of more than six people in public.
Daily Duh-Mass 3: She approved this guideline on March 15: Two days after President Biden miraculously made masking unnecessary.
Daily Duh-Mass 4: When the photo went public, this is how Whitmer “apologized”:
“Yesterday, I went with friends to a local restaurant. As more people arrived, the tables were pushed together. Because we were all vaccinated, we didn’t stop to think about it.”
Yep! She said, with a straight face, that she and her 11 of her pixel-faced friends all forgot about her own law 10 days after she passed it.
Call me naive, but after being nailed violating her own COVID policies three times in less than a week, I think maybe, just maybe, announcing you’re too stupid to remember your own policies isn’t the best response.
Honorable Mention Duh-Mass Award: The MMMs mostly ignored all this folderol until evil purveyors of right-wing hate — viz., Fox News and Breitbart — published said folderol and embarrassed them into admitting it happened.