Daily DuhHypocrisy, Thy Name Is Democrat

Michigan Gov Apologizes for ‘Social-Distancing Blunder,’ aka ‘Violating Her Own Laws’

Today’s Dai­ly Duh-Mass award is a rar­i­ty: We’ve got a win­ner who scored four Dai­ly Duh-Mass awards all at the same time.

Michi­gan Gov. Gretchen Whit­mer, a Demo­c­rat, took some heat back in March for vio­lat­ing her own poli­cies: Seems she issued stern warn­ings for stu­dents not to trav­el south for spring break, just before char­ter­ing a pri­vate jet to vis­it her father in Flori­da (bonus point: The jet flew to Flori­da ille­gal­ly; but to be fair, that’s not Whit­mer’s fault).

And now we present the ultra-rare Dai­ly Duh-Mass quad­fec­ta:

Dai­ly Duh-Mass 1: Seems Whit­mer used cam­paign funds to char­ter a pri­vate jet to attend Pres­i­dent Biden’s inau­gu­ra­tion. That was back in Jan­u­ary, of course, but FOX News broke the sto­ry two days ago. So… Whit­mer got roast­ed for char­ter­ing a pri­vate jet to Flori­da when she was warn­ing Michi­gan folks not to trav­el south. Then she start­ed get­ting more heat over char­ter­ing anoth­er pri­vate jet to fly to Wash­ing­ton.

So she decid­ed it would be smart to watch her step for a while, right? It is to laugh.

Dai­ly Duh-Mass 2: Today she got nailed for going to a Lans­ing bar, with 11 pix­el-faced friends, and push­ing tables togeth­er in vio­la­tion of her own HHS guide­line for­bid­ding groups of more than six peo­ple in pub­lic.

Dai­ly Duh-Mass 3: She approved this guide­line on March 15: Two days after Pres­i­dent Biden mirac­u­lous­ly made mask­ing unnec­es­sary.

Dai­ly Duh-Mass 4: When the pho­to went pub­lic, this is how Whit­mer “apol­o­gized”:

“Yes­ter­day, I went with friends to a local restau­rant. As more peo­ple arrived, the tables were pushed togeth­er. Because we were all vac­ci­nat­ed, we did­n’t stop to think about it.”

Yep! She said, with a straight face, that she and her 11 of her pix­el-faced friends all for­got about her own law 10 days after she passed it.

Call me naive, but after being nailed vio­lat­ing her own COVID poli­cies three times in less than a week, I think maybe, just maybe, announc­ing you’re too stu­pid to remem­ber your own poli­cies isn’t the best response.

Hon­or­able Men­tion Duh-Mass Award: The MMMs most­ly ignored all this folderol until evil pur­vey­ors of right-wing hate — viz., Fox News and Bre­it­bart — pub­lished said folderol and embar­rassed them into admit­ting it hap­pened.

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